Wednesday 21 December 2022


The following is a mind map summary of the handout I gave you on the Present Continuous. You will learn how to form it, its uses and the correct spelling when forming the present perticiple, that is, the ing form. And there are some examples for you to get and idea of what to do exactly.

Try these activities:

Tuesday 20 December 2022


We have different ways of talking about the future. We often use going to (+ infinitive), the present continuous (to be + -ing) or will (+ infinitive). The structure we use depends on the function of what we want to say, whether we are talking about arrangements, plans, predictions, etc.. I thought will was the future tense in English.

Now try these activities, starting from Activity 1:

Activity 1: Mixed futures (1)

Activity 2: Mixed futures (2)

Activity 3: Future continuous